Myles Cochran – Unsung – 9Ball Records

The strains of Myles Cochran’s guitar ignite the opposite effect surfacing in the expectation of sunshine and bliss. The intriguing selection of titles also catches the eye such as A Crab Of Many Shells, or more tastefully Love Is As Beautiful As Pizza. Tongue in cheek aside the mind is cast far and wide upon the arrival of the opening September 7th care of the warm breeze of 6-strings, accompanying piano and occasional drums which all fuel the emotional punch perfectly. Hints of Jazz, Blues, alongside an Ambient echo and even the gentle slide of Country are all located within the swirl of rather sublime sketches highlighting plans and thoughts of future and past. Strings of the orchestral kind feature wonderfully too (Richard Curran: cello/ Lauren Conklin: fiddle) enhancing the expansive horizon contained within the imaginary worlds playfully Unsung.

Release: January 29


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