What does music mean to you? Is it a collection of sounds signifying a certain feeling, or a location in time? Or perhaps it’s the distortion of reality you find all the more appealing? Whatever it does, it does have to transcend time. It has to feel the same way then as now. Afterall, that’s how good music lasts as seconds decay. Smoke The Monster Out was first released in 2009 on Get Physical and listening again to the two title tracks sparks the imagination all over again. Moment, regenerates that fuzzy, buzzy sense of probing uncertainty which excites as its intro builds, minus drums, into a joyous expectation soon to be offset by darker percussive, synthesized moods. New versions now also appear from Adam Port who transports it via heavier beats, while retaining the delicate piano and voiced melodies. And from Satori whose punctuating rhythms shuffle off into eastern climes care off sumptuous stringed instrumentation. Next, the short blast of Diamond In The Dark chimes acoustically like Pink Floyd mangled, and is now accompanied by Tibi Dabo’s future reaching, tougher interpretation exploring the rigorous imagination posed by the original recording. And somewhat beautifully too.
Release: August 30
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