The completing piece of R.Cleveland Aaron’s journey into the jigsaw of sound doesn’t feel like a conclusion. More like an old friend departing to find something else to do. I will miss these oddly tempting escapes into unknown territory as you never know who, what or where is going to happen or occur next in the process. Perhaps the dissolving tones of The Promise of Endless Possibilities says it all? Or maybe the caustic intention of It’s Perfect Here clashes more with a sense of acceptability. Or then again maybe it’s the breathless whisper suggested within the hidden drumming of Disconnect – Connect – Disconnect that hints towards answers? Either way the brilliant uplifting, reassurance of Speriamo further contrasts expectation. At this point in proceedings I know as little or as much as you do. Except to say that perhaps all along the whir of electrical impulse fuelling all of this has as much to do with bearing witness to urban decay as it does celebrating the architecture of being. Whatever next?
Release: May 21
buy https://f5point6.bandcamp.com/album/kaleidosound-time-shape-space-vol-2
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