Beautifully realised, crushing, poignant, engaging music that satisfies and tempts all in one roll. Field Kit is led by violinist and composer Hannah von Hübbenet, who has collaborated with Berlin based pianist and producer John Guertler and the results are thoroughly engaging. I love the rich source that draws upon fizzy electronics and how they illuminate more traditional forms of playing music, feeling almost unnerving and yet soulfully reassuring. As the sounds unfold so does the imagination while atmospheres are explored, depths reached for. One moment a lone voice makes a welcome appearance on DON’T, while the next has the opening Distant Approach rekindling a darker impression taking your breath away. The result is an expansive range of music probing at the cross-section between classical and experimental, electronic impulse and organic textures, leaving Field Kit to have their presence powerfully felt on Alex Stolze’s wonderful imprint, Nonostar Records.
Release: June 4
buy https://fieldkitmusic.bandcamp.com/album/field-kit-2
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