Magazine Sixty Music Review with Quimbie

Greg Fenton reviews Quimbie – Sunday Fiction (Remixes) – Janx Records

At first, I thought it was one thing, but then became another. The Lawrence remix of What to Put On a Record is simply outstanding. What begins as a trip into darker territory with bruising drums and bass (the low end is gorgeous, by the way) transforms into something altogether more uplifting, feeling tastefully soulful in that melancholy way via the introduction of smooth and exhilarating strings.

The brilliance continues with Ubahnrider’s version of Dino, as beats twist and turn, fuelled by the infinite energy of drum and bass, compelling the imagination to engage with the burning engine of desire. Creative arrangements of sound and arrangements feature likewise on Loveletters.pdf care off Carsten Jost’s heavenly reworking next. While, Sunday Fiction completes at the hands of Bielefeld Murder Boys who again funnel hi-energy into their version via fast and furious tempos and fizzing, insane basslines.

Release: November 18
Download/Stream at Bandcamp
Janx Records
Quimbie on Instagram

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