This begins a journey into the spaces occupying the margins between music and emotion. Advanced Public Listening Records has been conceived by industry stalwart Miho Mepo while eloquently redefining good taste in sound and the lost art of musical exploration. Spanning four discs of vinyl the compilation is a tastefully realised concept celebrating the power of sound in all its diverse, sincerest forms. What I also love here is that the tracks range from the contemplative to the more dancefloor driven each retaining a pure, deep intensity that replenishes the electrical impulses of nature. Moments of solitude such as Hans Joachim Roedelius – Immer or Roger Doering + Takeshi Nishimoto’s Jazz infused – Dream are then complimented by Ricardo Villalobos’s quietly explosive – Zeda Funk or Matthew Herbert’s propulsive – Peahen, and there’s more. So much more.
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