Sometimes the best things arrive in small, unexpected packages. Such as this album appearing by morning on my radar. Although, it seemed much more appropriate to put words to paper approaching nightfall than the cold light of day. Centring on the breath may not always be in search of relaxing process. In this case the words breathe in an unsettling language causing an undulating, welcome disquiet.
Stripped down to the very point of redemption, pmxper plays like a subversion of rock n roll with hot guitars, twanging, punctuating the airspace dangerously primed with caustic attitude. That’s not to say the music isn’t soulful, it is, most intensely so. While voices penetrate meaning with a barbed twist of fate as the music concludes each story via late-night subterfuge. PMXPER is collaboration between Pavel Milyakov (aka Buttechno) and Perila (aka Aleksandra Zakharenko) and is a perfect soundtrack to sounds of joyous despair and quite possibly an ode to the temptations of danger. It is also excellent.
Buy https://perilazone.bandcamp.com/album/pmxper
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