Single of the Week
Vince Watson
Déjà vu EP
Poker Flat Recordings
In the course of celebrating a 20 plus years history the label releases this excellent number from Vince Watson. The title track ticks all the right buttons with emotive chords underpinning a relatively restrained Acid bassline and comes complete with a lush breakdown that sets the pulse racing. And to highlight just how effective it all is Déjà vu also features a Beatless and Ambient Mix which both accentuate the track’s sensual nature, with the radiant ambience of the later feeling particularity rewarding care of the well placed piano motif. Illusion, meanwhile provides a tougher affair for the dancefloor with hissing hi-hats accompanied by a more intense array of punchy keys, while label founder Josh Wink’s funky percussion led remix aims high with pounding musicality reaching an eventual deeper climax on what is undoubtedly a first rate version.
Little By Little
Bang The Box EP
Defected Records
Great title (of course) and reflects the banging nature of House Music with this irresistible workout from the Frenchman. Bang The Box, features taught, explosive bass lines plus the chopped-up vocals of the same name and then proceeds to twist them all together delivering highly flammable material. Second track, ‘Stress’ applies nastier bass to pumping drums along with wobbly synths and once again comes up smiling. Simple yet deadly.
Release: January 19
Roland Appel
Inside Out Records
An explosive sonically charged barrage from Roland Appel has the title track feel every bit as great as that sounds with dark bass and beats, weird synths and Acid attitude all combining most conveniently into a sizzling collage of sounds. The funkier, Da Cat follows with heavier bass accompanied by sometimes warmer, sometimes harsher keys that are all high on impact and lend the track its distinctive, notably edgy flavour.
Release: January 26
Relapse EP
Meant Records
Love this from Monoblok&PSLKTR who defiantly throw the rule book out of the window while delivering an icily cool production complete with addictive deadpan vocals and unsettling synthesizers. Relapse, even features a rocky guitar, live action bass and is most effective via the excellent original mix. Remixes come from a pulsating Rework version, and the sizzling electronics of My Favorite Robot. Next, Walking Disaster supplies another great original with further cool vocals alongside sassy keyboards and decadent 80’s attitude. Arnaud Rebotini’s remix of the same completes with a more robust version beefing it all up nicely.