On occasion it would be altogether easier, a more simple process, to ask you to engage with a piece of music for yourself. The reason I say that is because Mouthful of Dust feels almost too personal to touch, like uncovering a lost moment in time gone forever. This is a remarkable series of pieces from Simon McCorry, which should come as no surprise, spanning six numbers. Scoring the story of particular points of experience for the artist you can obviously relate to the fact that they were not good ones. However, and as art has its own way of translating traumatic situations into creative expressions of value, the end result has at least made something wonderful. It’s not always an easy listen but it is a poignant and breath taking, exhilarating one all the same. Like being positioned upon a silver knife edge, sequencing tales of danger through treated sounds of cello and modular synthesis. Fast forward and slow reverse.
PS. Look at the cover art is by photographer & artist Nikoletta Monyok.
Release: November 18
Buy https://polarseasrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/mouthful-of-dust
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