The third instalment in the series of timely disruptions from Steve Hadfield reflects the time we live in as all good Art could and should. Saying something without the use of words may seem daunting but in the hands of creative minds that doesn’t seem to be a barrier to good intention, much as is the case on Vol.3. Where this album continues the theme from previous editions is in its evolution of musical attainment, encompassing grainy ambient resolution alongside a flair of warmer, more expectant instrumentation playing out as a prospect of hope, listen to the captivating Blossom Is a Vector. You may well prefer the melancholy, introspective swathes on offer such as the opening Refection or the more brutal landscapes found at Liminal Night Feeds but listening as a whole you can’t escape the feeling of expanding ideas plus forward motion. Which of course leads onto the exciting prospect of a number 4.
Release: November 6
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