I’m at a loss for words which isn’t perhaps surprising as music is about feeling. Steve Hadfield’s new long player for See Blue Audio is typically emotional in any case so that doesn’t cause too much concern. As sounds unfold telling their own story so does the human response to it all and by the time the second number, Ascension hits you are most likely in love with it all, albeit in remotely melancholy ways that seem to define human existence just as the joy of happiness does. Leading us neatly onto the title itself, the self-explanatory positivity contained within See the World Anew which just like life the ever evolving story is about contrasts charting the enviable moods and swings of to and fro. Take, Detached for example and its cosmically tuned funkiness in the shape of drifting percussion alongside soulfully charged chords that is as celebratory as it’s slightly disconcerting. Followed by the introspective chime of Orbit, surrounded by the final dark edges of Gravity suggesting there is more than at first there may seem. Which neatly captures the hidden essence of Steve Hadfield’s wonderfully sonic Art.
Release: August 27
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