The Ultimate Escape Project – Otherism – T-Wax

Suddi Raval returns to his The Ultimate Escape Project guise with this third album in a series of events. Totalling fifteen tracks, including a sparkling Mathew Sargent remix of Peng Win, what is immediately apparent is the breadth of scale employed here musically – like he has been soaking up just about everything. The rough and tumble drums of the caustic Xyloid are soon offset by the gentler, atmospheres of Orbit. As industrial sounds are employed on Akwizishun, and you can also hear that echo on Laser Beams And Mirror Balls. Not surprisingly Acid House plays its part too with the devilish Quark sounding fizzy and robust. The tense landscapes of Egg Mobile then finish in a blaze of undulating atmospheres that ripple across the stereo with a fevered rendition of voices. And all the while there is a sense of exploration at play here, both in terms of rhythms alongside production prowess, that is never afraid to poke at what’s possible.

Release: November 22


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