With music escaping into the next decade the excitable whir of electronically generated atmospheres appear all the more appealing as time moves on. Losing the past seems like the appropriate thing to do as new movements of sound talk in the fresh language of today’s context: questioning, sometimes uncertain, sometimes knowing all there is to. Emmanuele Nicosia and Martino Bertola aka Hunter/Game release this first in their series of Broken Memories compilations suggesting a disengagement with history while, as you will experience, diving headlong into an exploration of the future. Christian Loeffler’s beautifully tense Lost begins as the numbers trip equally between the dancefloor and the more mindful, heady space of your imagination. The music never feels overly complicated by virtue of saying enough via the use of mood and rhythm such as on Pisetzky’s wonderfully haunting Bakwas. Likewise on their own track, Dead Soul contrasting the image generated with playful motifs igniting a dignified celebration of the joy inherent in life. The grainy reality of Eduardo De La Calle, Mondo 8 also hits home as indeed does all of the ten pieces of music included. All are varyingly sublime in their own diverse right.
Release: September 27
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