Whatever The Weather – Whatever The Weather – Ghostly International

Loraine James’ music greets with the sense that it’s good to be alive to the sounds surrounding you and their accompanying meaning. 25o which begins that starting point meanders between contrasting emotions beautifully sometimes assisted by breath but mostly via a cascade of scintillating keys. Each of the proceeding numbers are cast in degrees marking fluctuations in temperature and intensity. Occasionally drums are cast but for the most part the wondrous instrumentation such as on 14o with its sublime piano, or the reversing motifs of 2°C (Intermittent Rain) are hard to beat. Likewise witness the finale 36°C with its embrace of haunting, melancholy yet playing like a chorus of humanity. This album is wonderful.

Release: April 8
Buy/ listen https://ghostly.ffm.to/whatever-the-weather

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