Tag: Jonathan Kaspar

  • Dino Lenny – I’ve Learned That – Crosstown Rebels

    Dino Lenny’s most recent releases have been statements of intent. I’ve Learned That, talks that same language with a refreshingly, direct breath. On this occasion fuelling the words are rugged bass and resilient, jazzy reflections landing in the shape of emotive piano chords. Soulfully loaded, filled with timely lessons for life enhanced by the innate…

  • Jonathan Kaspar – Tia EP – Ouïe Music

    Cologne-based producer Jonathan Kaspar sequences the sort of sassy syncopation we could do with a lot more of on his delirious and dangerous title track. Tia is served by acidic stabs, pulsating bass plus an intoxicating whirl of electrifying synthesis, all produced for maximum effect. The funky percussion which accompanies the proceeding Bigna feels even…

  • Jonathan Kaspar – Panem EP – These Eyes

    Let’s start at the eyes which as you can see infuses the cover art with a defiantly cheeky twist on a Surrealist, even Dada-esque sense of the absurd. And if I’m not mistaken that’s a wonderfully serious distortion of a movie star too. The music on the other hand delivers hard and fast immediate and…